Membership of LIDE Emirates will take the following form:
1. Each company has the right to join LIDE Emirates in two names, one of which will be its president, and the other, one of its vice-presidents. Membership will allow the executives named below to take part in LIDE's ordinary events (membership does not include travel and/or accommodation costs). Substitution of representatives at events will not be permitted;
2. Agreement to pay the annual fee of $ 5000.00 (five thousand dollars), per affiliated company, with payment in a single instalment. The payment will be made by sending a bank charge and an electronic invoice from the municipality, by e-mail to the secretary of the president of the affiliated company or the person indicated below, or by credit card;
3. Automatic renewal in 12-month periods. In the event of cancellation, the affiliated company must notify LIDE Emirates 30 days in advance. If there is no manifestation within the renewal period, the company will automatically remain affiliated with LIDE and will receive the invoice and bank charge for the annual renewal.
4. If you have any doubts or concerns, please, get in touch