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Brazil and the United Arab Emirates Celebrate 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations: A Milestone of Cooperation and Prosperity

This year, we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 


This historic milestone is an opportunity to reflect on the evolution of a partnership that has proven to be increasingly strategic and beneficial for both countries.

Since 1974, when the first diplomatic ties were established, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates have built a relationship based on mutual trust, respect and shared interests. 

Over these five decades, we have seen significant expansion in several sectors, including trade, investments, tourism, culture and technological cooperation.

What you’ll see in this post:

Trade and investments

Tourism and culture

Technological cooperation and innovation

A promising future

Enjoy your reading

Trade and investments

Bilateral trade has been one of the pillars of this relationship. In 2023, trade between the two countries reached a historic level, with exchanges that directly benefit both economies. Brazil is one of the main suppliers of agricultural products to the UAE, particularly meat, sugar and grains, while the UAE exports products such as fuel and fertilizers to Brazil.

Furthermore, UAE investments in Brazil have grown significantly, especially in areas such as infrastructure, renewable energy, technology and finance. Companies such as DP World and the Mubadala Investment Company play important roles in the development of strategic projects on Brazilian soil.

Brazil and the United Arab Emirates Celebrate 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations

Tourism and culture

Tourism has also been a crucial factor in bringing the two countries closer together. The flow of Brazilian tourists to the United Arab Emirates, especially to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, has grown exponentially, attracted by the offerings of luxury, modernity and culture. Likewise, Emiratis have discovered the natural beauty and cultural richness of Brazil.

Cultural exchanges have intensified, with events and exhibitions that promote the art, music and traditions of both nations. 

These initiatives not only strengthen bonds of friendship, but also promote a deeper understanding and mutual appreciation of each other's cultures.

Technological cooperation and innovation

In recent years, technological cooperation between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates has gained prominence. 

The exchange of knowledge and experiences in areas such as innovation, artificial intelligence, health and education has opened new fronts for collaboration. 

Partnerships between universities and research centers are concrete examples of how this cooperation can bring tangible benefits to both societies.

A promising future

As we look ahead to the next 50 years, it is clear that relations between Brazil and the UAE will continue to strengthen. Global challenges such as sustainability, food security and digital transformation require cooperation and innovative solutions that can only be achieved through strong partnerships.

LIDE Emirates, as an entity that promotes the development of business relations between the two countries, is committed to continuing to foster these ties and supporting initiatives that contribute to the growth and prosperity of Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.

Finally, the 50 years of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates are a testament to what can be achieved when two nations work together towards a common goal. May the next fifty years be equally fruitful and full of achievements.

Let us celebrate this historic date with the certainty that the best is yet to come.

To stay up to date with everything this fruitful partnership can and will offer, contact LIDE Emirates to find out more on how you can be a part of this relationship of mutual growth.