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How the economies of Brazil and Arab countries are coming together

In the dynamic landscape of global trade, partnerships between nations often serve as vital arteries, pumping economic prosperity and cultural exchange across borders. One such alliance has been brewing between Brazil and the Arab world. 

The latest report from the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce reveals a record breaking surge in Brazil's trade surplus with Arab countries, marking a significant milestone in their economic collaboration.

Join us as we delve deeper into this transformative chapter in Brazil's engagement with the UAE, exploring the driving forces behind this remarkable surge in trade, the implications for bilateral relations, and the untapped potential waiting on the horizon.

What you’ll see in this post:

An overview of 2023

Highlighting Brazil’s contributions to the Arab world

A successful showcase of the Brazilian and UAW partnership

LIDE Emirates’ vital role in fostering the partnership between Brazil and the UAE 

Enjoy your reading

An overview of 2023

In the year 2023, Brazil's trade balance with Arab nations witnessed an extraordinary leap, boasting a remarkable year-on-year increase of 218.6%. 

This meteoric rise catapulted the surplus to a historic high of $8.67 billion, painting a vivid picture of the strengthening ties between the South American giant and the diverse tapestry of nations across the Arab region.

Amidst this burgeoning trade landscape, exports of Brazilian products to Arab countries emerged as the primary catalyst, totaling an impressive $19.3 billion. 

This figure represents a commendable uptick of 9.2% compared to the preceding year, underscoring the resilience and dynamism of Brazil's export economy amidst global fluctuations and uncertainties.

The significance of this milestone extends far beyond the realm of economics, encapsulating a narrative of cultural exchange, diplomatic outreach, and mutual prosperity. 

Prosperity Oasis Blogpost

Highlighting Brazil’s contributions to the Arab world

Osmar Chohfi, President of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, elucidates the depth of this alliance, pointing out that Saudi Arabia stands as one of Brazil's foremost partners within the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). 

Annually, Brazil dispatches a substantial portion of its chicken and beef production, totaling 11.1% and 3.9% respectively, to OIC nations.

Notably, Brazil has ascended to the forefront as the main supplier of food and beverages to the OIC bloc, surmounting formidable competitors like the United States, Indonesia, and Turkey. 

The magnitude of this achievement is underscored by the staggering $23.41 billion worth of food shipped to OIC countries in 2022 alone.

Within this spectrum, Saudi Arabia emerges as a linchpin in Brazil's economic landscape. In 2022, Brazil's exports to Saudi Arabia amounted to $2.924 billion, encompassing a diverse array of commodities ranging from poultry and beef to grains, fruits, and coffee.

As Brazil continues to consolidate its position as a leading supplier of halal products, Saudi Arabia remains an indispensable cornerstone in this dynamic relationship, fostering prosperity and mutual benefit for both nations.

Moreover, Brazil's trade relationship with countries in the Middle East, particularly the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, is not just about the exchange of goods. 

According to Ahmed El Khatib, a professor and coordinator at the Financial Institute of the Álvares Penteado School of Commerce Foundation (FECAP), these nations offer Brazil an enticing opportunity for investments and resources.

El Khatib highlights the complementarity of trade between Brazil and the Arab world. While Brazil relies on imports of fuel and fertilizers, products abundant in the Arab world, countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia heavily depend on food imports. 

Furthermore, Brazilian companies are increasingly recognizing the competitive advantages offered by locations like Dubai. With its strategic geographical position and robust infrastructure, Dubai serves as a gateway to key markets in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 

The city boasts over 30 free zones, each tailored to specific sectors, providing companies with favorable conditions for operations. Importantly, these free zones allow companies to retain full ownership without the need for a local partner, a significant advantage for foreign investors.

A successful showcase of the Brazilian and UAE partnership

With a staggering 40% share of funds earmarked for investment worldwide, totaling approximately US$2.3 trillion, Arab nations are primed to shape the future through sustainable economic initiatives.

Professor El Khatib emphasizes the transformative potential of these resources, advocating for their strategic deployment in financing startups, technology ventures, scientific research, and projects aimed at addressing critical issues like food security. 

Such initiatives not only bolster regional development but also have the potential to elevate Brazil's prominence within the Arab world.

Illustrating the tangible impact of these partnerships, Vale, a global mining giant, entered into a landmark agreement with Manara Minerals—a joint venture between Ma’aden and the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia. 

With an implicit enterprise value of US$26 billion, this agreement signals a significant boost for Vale's energy transition metals business managed by Vale Base Metals Limited (VBM).

Eduardo Bartolomeo, CEO of Vale, underscores the strategic importance of this collaboration, highlighting its role in accelerating VBM's investment program. 

Anticipating investments between US$25 and 30 billion over the next decade, the partnership aims to substantially ramp up production capacities in copper and nickel, catering to the surging demand for critical minerals essential for the global energy transition.

Bartolomeo reaffirms Vale's commitment to sustainable practices, emphasizing the company's dedication to social responsibility and environmentally conscious mining. 

Positioned at the forefront of the energy transition, Vale envisions a future where its high-quality mineral portfolio not only meets global demand but also contributes to a greener, more sustainable world .

LIDE Emirates' vital role in fostering the partnership between Brazil and the UAE

Amidst the evolving landscape of global trade and cooperation, the Minister of Economy of the UAE, Abdulla Bin Touq, underscores the pivotal role of private enterprises in advancing the economy. 

In this context, LIDE Emirates emerges as a key player in bolstering the partnership between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.

Rodrigo Paiva, President of LIDE Emirates, keenly observes the promising horizon of economic opportunities between the two nations. Highlighting the diverse sectors of interest, including energy, agribusiness, and infrastructure, as solid grounds for strategic collaboration.

At the forefront of this partnership lies the exchange of expertise. Brazil's renowned agricultural prowess stands ready to meet the UAE's burgeoning demand for food, while Arab investments hold the potential to fuel renewable energy and infrastructure ventures in Brazil.

Furthermore, the emphasis on joint research into advanced technologies sets the stage for innovation-driven progress

By leveraging each other's strengths, both nations can navigate the frontier of technological advancement and carve out new avenues for economic growth. 

Yet, the partnership extends beyond the realm of commerce. Where cultural and tourism initiatives are poised to deepen mutual understanding and foster lasting ties between the people of Brazil and the UAE. 

In essence, LIDE Emirates serves as a catalyst for bridging the economic landscapes of Brazil and the UAE. Through strategic collaboration and mutual exchange, the partnership charts a course towards sustainable development and prosperity for both nations.

To know more about how the relationship between Brazil and the UAE is evolving, do not hesitate to reach out to us!